
About QGreenland

QGreenland tool is helpful across research, teaching, and more.


QGreenland is led by the National Snow and Ice Data Center, which is a part of the University of Colorado Boulder Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences. The project is made possible through funding from the United States National Science Foundation (award #1928393 and 2324765) and through the generous efforts of our many collaborators including the NSF Arctic Data Center.

The FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reproducible) are foundational to this effort. QGreenland is built using free and open software, with development tools and workflows fully documented on GitHub. The QGreenland data package includes complete metadata and clear information about the original data source. To the best of our ability, we aim to include data that are already free and publicly archived.

Join our GitHub Discussions to share ideas and requests, provide feedback, or receive support. Email contact is also available.

Information for citing QGreenland.

Editorial Board

Lars Demant-Poort
Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland)
Speciality: Science education
Rene Forsberg
Technical University of Denmark
Speciality: Ice dynamics
Asiaq Greenland Survey
Speciality: Topographic mapping and spatial analysis
Man in striped wool hat and orange rain jacket stands in front of fjord with mountains in fog
Geologic Survey of Denmark and Greenland
Speciality: Greenland coasts and sea level
Ruth Mottram
Danish Meteorological Institute
Speciality: Climate and modeling
Vinton Valentine
University of Southern Maine
Speciality: Coastal geography
Karl Zinglersen
Greenland Institute for Natural Resources
Speciality: GIS

Past Editorial Board Members

Northwestern University
Speciality: Paleolimnology
Dartmouth University
Speciality: Ecology
Kenyon College
Speciality: Biogeochemistry
Asiaq Greenland Survey
Speciality: Geodata and mapping
Geologic Survey of Denmark and Greenland
Speciality: Remote sensing
Speciality: GIS
University of Colorado Boulder
Speciality: Geology
Geologic Survey of Denmark and Greenland
Speciality: GIS


Speciality: Software developer
Twila Moon
NSIDC, CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder
Speciality: Project Lead
Trey Stafford
NSIDC, CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder
Speciality: Software Developer
Alyse Thurber
CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder
Speciality: Education Outreach

Past Development Team Members

Matt Fisher
NSIDC, CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder
Speciality: Software Developer
Lynne Harden
CEEE, CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder
Speciality: Education Outreach
Casey Marsh
CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder
Speciality: Education Outreach
Hope Simonoko
NSIDC, CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder
Speciality: Software Developer


Open Source Software

QGreenland development is made possible through the use of open source software. We want to acknowledge the important work of developing these vital open source software resources. Please check out the fantastic open source tools that have made QGreenland possible.

Collaborating Groups

Many individuals and group support QGreenland development as partners and collaborators. These groups include:

Logo and Inspiration

Thank you to George Roth for designing the QGreenland logo. George also championed the idea of QGreenland after playing a central role in the development of Quantarctica, and this project would not have come to fruition without his insights and energy.