News and Events


  • New Tutorial Video, "An Introduction to Open Science" 
  •  "Improving Learning with Open Science" Poster
  •  GEM joins DataONE
  •  Complete the Arctic Data Center Community Survey

QGreenland is highlighted in the recent issue of The Circle, the quarterly magazine from the World Wildlife Fund's Arctic Program. The article gives an overview of how QGreenland tackles the problem of making Greenland data open and accessible and how educators have found it useful for teaching both in the classroom and in the field.

  • QGreenland begins next phase
  • Featured Layer
  • Important QGIS Updates
  • Version 3.0 Official Release
  • Updated QGreenland Website
  • NSF Funds QGreenland Next Phase
  • QGreenland in the Cloud: A Workshop Success Story
  • Sneak Peak: Early Access to Version 3.0 Download