PolarPASS modules are ideal for use in upper division geoscience and environmental science classes. Full instructions are provided for using the 360-degree interactive environments and GIS tools. GIS activities are designed for use with QGIS, a free software package available for all computer operating systems. The curriculum is flexible to class format and has been taught in classes from the block system to semester-long classes. Instructors have taught within seminars, labs, and mixed classes, though we recommend a class format that includes interactive/lab time for teaching with PolarPASS.
Module 1: Exploring the Glacier Basin System This module consists of five units, walking students through an overview of the glacier basin system, exploring glacier mass balance, albedo, and surface melt, and looking inside and underneath the glacier. The Units also cover the transition from the glacier margin to land and system responses to climate change.
Module 2: Long-term Spatial Transformations of the Glacier Basin System Module 2 consists of four units. The units begin by exploring past ice margin retreat and processes of ice margin retreat and elevation change. The material then explores natural climate variability and anthropogenic forcings, and then examines potential future ice margin response to climate change.
*Note: All materials are hosted on the Science Education Resource Center (serc.carlton.com)